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Space Is What We Need

Writer's picture: NiyatiNiyati

Have you ever seen any article or have written something with no proper space between the words? I'm sure most of you have but in case you haven't let me put it here "Idon'tknow". It looks suffocating and congested right. Our parents are the first one who teach us to give proper space between words, partially because they are our first teacher and partially because it looks nicer with space.

But, what hurts is that they forget the concept and need of space when it comes to us. I sometimes doubt why would they do that. I think the way words looks suffocated similarly kids too feel the suffocation. I am not some professional to comment on it. But I'm a teenager who goes through the same issues with my parents and that is what gives me every single right to talk about it.

As a parent you should consider leaving some space for your child to let them breath in. Most of the parents say the concept of space is joke. But, no it not. If you look at it it's the most needed thing as we kids are growing up. Space to be ourselves will allow us to be vigilant over the fact that we are still in are teens or tweens and we will act like one. Being the nosy or prying parents is one of the worst parenting style and can affect a child, these are not my words but I agree with it. Don't believe me, then let me make you believe this- (Hopefully this makes you believe me)

No I'm not asking you to leave us kids on our own. But, respect the space we need, It hurts that in 21st century we are still begging for something as simple as space. I too have been here and still most of the days I find this issue with my parents. It's just that it affects me mentally. Since I'm the one writing this, I can give you, parents an insight on how I feel as a teenager. No teenager feels the same. As of me I feel very angered and I'm always on the verge of crying because of it. I think its like you are killing the kid. Sometimes giving them space will make them more comfortable with you.

They are your kids, no doubt about it. They come from you but they can't be the copy of yours. We are multicellular animals and not unicellular like amoeba. The children of amoeba are clone of their parents not the children of humans. I think it's time that parents just stop intruding so much in the kids life. You don't need to know everything that goes in their life. You don't need to know the word to word conversation of what they talked to their teachers or friends. It's always good to call out them in case they go on a wrong path but frequent intruding can leave a long lasting effect on them.

Hopefully I was able to provide you what you came looking for. In case you want to talk to me about this thing or anything else feel free to reach out to me on- Also if you feel any of this point doesn't make sense please feel free to reach out to me on my email, I'm open for suggestions.

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(P.S.- I'm not trying to say parents are the worst thing that happened and I'm not spreading hate about parents. It's just that I'm trying to express things from a child's perspective and make you realize what your kid won't tell you. And as for teenagers I'm here showing them that they are not alone in this.)


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