Have you ever felt so low that all you wanted is the comfort of your bed, someone to hug and the person we love. These days are so hard that we lose ourselves and it gets more worse when people beside us don't listen to us. To be frank I still go through these days. Wanna know how it feels? Have you ever been in a dark room where there was no light, not even single hole for the light to enter. It feels as if you don't even know where you are standing. I know it may sound weird to people.
But I think you have to be in darkness to value the light. Philosophical and dreamy is the tone I know. But then you need to have one thing, one mantra of your life to make you feel better. I'm not sure if I have talked about it before and I'm too lazy to check. So I follow two simple rules for my life:
Whatever happens is for good and has a reason
There is light at the end of tunnel.
Now please don't think that I have these thoughts from starting it took me time. I failed in exam and that was the darkness, I passed by working hard in the first retest that was the achievement or you may say light. But, I can tell you not every time you will be able to remember it. Even I don't.
The blanket of darkness shatters me,
as I cry does any one know how I feel,
you say its what I deserve or maybe my karma,
but as I break I just think is it worth it.
I know that poem or may be verse is bad. But ignore how bad it sounds. If it conveys the message to how a person feels and how bad society treats or how they react. I'm more than happy (: I don't have any solution to solve it. But just one advice to stand by yourself, no one can stay with you forever. But you can. So do it. It's your SOS and my advice to it won't even work. Because even I'm never sure what to do about it. But I think I have improved and all thanks to my counselor. This beautiful soul makes me realize everyday and every time why I need to be my priority. I know you will read this so thanks a lot(:
One last thing just a small advice:- talk, dance and enjoy. Talk it out, someone hurts you speak on their face don't care. The way to have peaceful life, is to have the synchrony between heart and mind. Dance or whatever makes you feel good I personally like dancing so I'm recommending. I'm not a great dancer (teachers always regretted picking me up for dance). You can also draw, walk, sing or do whatever you love. Now by enjoying I don't mean party hard, if you want you can, but learn to enjoy the small moments. Like right now I'm enjoying the great bond I'm sharing with my dad.
I'm providing some links that may make your day or may not, but consider checking them out:-
A mood mania playlist:- https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3BZvzujQievJO4VqFoscJ9?si=86552d418e7b4728
Podcast- https://open.spotify.com/show/0YnOvyg7bN2LqPe1QNXm1z (specially the first episode)
YouTube channel- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLE6bDbrn5kNG94-1VlH_XA
Hope this helps you. (P.s.- I felt like crying while writing this don't know why)
Hopefully I was able to provide you what you came looking for. In case you want to talk to me about this thing or anything else feel free to reach out to me on- threadoffeelings@gmail.com. Also if you feel any of this point doesn't make sense please feel free to reach out to me on my email, I'm open for suggestions.
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