Last week was a very insightful week. I had my first unit test and guess what, I wasn't prepared. I'm sure with the online school being the new normal, majority of you will agree with me. The thing is we don't know what to do with our lives. And the best thing we do is blame people, situation. But, I think you can't change the external factors (the virus, lockdown). What you can actually change is yourself. Because the external factors cannot be changed.
The thing is we don't know we are losing our precious time. It's important to acknowledge that fact and know that you are standing on volcano that can erupt any sec. So its important to take control over your life. I know its easier to say this but harder to follow. With the pandemic becoming the way of life, many of us have slipped into anxiety, depression and we have got a PhD in procrastination. It's hard to take control over life when most of it has already bid the farewell to you. But, its the need of the hour.
Don't focus on what already went, focus on what you have now. It's like focusing on the brighter side. What is still with you protect that and once you secure it and are sure. Then go and bring back the parts of your life that bid you farewell. It's ok if you don't want to do it don't. But never give up and never ever let anyone else be the pilot of your life. Your life is your concern and your reason to live. So be the master of it.
If someone else becomes the pilot of your life, they will set standard according to their capabilities. This is not a good thing. Walk out of this slumber that the pandemic has instilled within you. Starting small is always a good thing. You don't need to always have everything under control in a single day. No need to do that, go slow but go. It will be a slow process but the result will be beautiful. It's hard to put yourself first but put. Anything that comes on your way remove it and focus.
I think we all need to be calm and know nothing is wrong with you. Be happy, speak out whatever is hurting you. I can tell you hiding things make it wore. Like yesterday (Monday) I was so tensed because, I scored less in chemistry and I got my marks on Friday. But me being myself, I was scared to tell my parents. And I was so tensed about hiding it that I got fever. So I think speaking is the best way out there.
Also, its the need of the hour to pursue what you like. Games and Netflix are not the only way to chill. Doing something that you love, is also a good way to spend downtime. Like if you love writing you can do that, if you love drawing do that etc. So just go and do what you love. At least block out a few hours for that. I can tell from my personal experience that it is good.
Hopefully I was able to provide you what you came looking for. In case you want to talk to me about this thing or anything else feel free to reach out to me on- threadoffeelings@gmail.com. Also if you feel any of this point doesn't make sense please feel free to reach out to me on my email, I'm open for suggestions.
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(P.S.- Comment down below which topic should I write about next. Also a great news is on the way. Be sure to subscribe to my email to get early bits about it.)